Bourne United Charities gift grant to Don’t Lose Hope for ‘Man Shed’

A charity has donated £12,000 to help with the building of a ‘Man Shed’ style workshop.
Bourne United Charities has given a grant to Don’t Lose Hope so that the mental health charity can continue with plans to build the workshop on the Wellhead Community Garden.
Due to the coronavirus crisis, the company which the Bourne-based charity were due to receive a timber framed shed from were unable to fulfil this. However, Nicola and Dominic Brister of Don’t Lose Hope reached out to the community in a bid to deliver the promised shed this year.
David Mapp, chairman for Bourne United Charities, said: “Don’t Lose Hope is an excellent charity offering a much-needed service to the people of Bourne and the local area. “We are really pleased to be able to help out with the grant for the ‘Man Shed’ and look forward to seeing the benefits to the community that we know it will bring.”
Don’t Lose Hope, which recently took on the lease for the Wellhead Community Garden owned by Bourne United Charities, has been using the area for the past year in support of its counselling services at its central Bourne café and therapy rooms. The ‘Man Shed’ workshop will offer educational and mental heath based activities which will help people engage with the outdoors and working with their hands.
Dominic Brister, from Don’t Lose Hope, said: “We are excited to be able to continue with our plans with the help of Bourne United Charities and many other local people, groups and businesses who have come together to make sure that we are able to deliver our vision the ‘Man Shed’.”
In addition to the grant from Bourne United Charities, Don’t Lose Hope has had support from many groups, companies and members of the community who have come forward to help prepare the site for the workshop. People have also offered free services and cost price materials to help get the project underway.
“The ‘Man Shed’ on the community garden site will be fully inclusive and all-encompassing in providing beneficial support,” said Dominic. “All ages, socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds will be able to access and gain great benefits from the space, services and activities provided and undertaken in the ‘Man Shed’. “This is not just a shed for men, but we will be linked with the Men’s Sheds UK movement.”
Published by: Stamford Mercury | 08 August 2020