Data Protection Policy
Bourne United Charities (BUC) holds and processes information about Employees, Trustees, Residents of Almshouses, people in receipt of Essex Awards, and other Data Subjects for administrative, operational and commercial purposes. When handling such information BUC, its staff or others who may process or use any personal information, must comply with the Data Protection Principles which are set out in the Data Protection Act 1998
In summary these state that personal data shall:
* Be processed fairly and lawfully
* Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any manner that is incompatible with that purpose.
* Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose. *Be accurate and up to date.
* Not be kept for longer than necessary for the purpose.
* Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
* Be kept safe from unauthorised processing and accidental loss, damage or destruction.
* Not to be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, unless that country has equivalent levels for personal data, except in specified circumstances.
Employees, Trustees, and other Data Subjects may include past, present and potential members of these groups. Other Data Subjects and third parties may include contractors, suppliers, contacts, referees, friends and family members.
Processing refers to any action involving personal information, including obtaining, viewing, copying, amending, adding, deleting, extracting, storing, disclosing or destroying information.
The information provided by Data Subjects, (personal information such as name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers, etc.)will be processed and stored to enable us to contact you and respond to your correspondence, to provide information and to access our facilities and services as defined in our Charitable Constitution. Your personal information will not be shared with or provided to any other third party.
BUC’s Right to Process Information: General Data Protection Regulations Article 6 (1) (a) (b) and (e);
Processing is with consent of the Data Subject or;
Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or;
Processing is necessary for the performance of a legitimate task authorised in the pursuit of BUC’s Charitable Constitution
BUC has a duty to ensure the security of personal data. We will protect the information from unauthorised access, loss, manipulation, falsification, destruction or unauthorised disclosure.
We will keep your data only for the purpose for which it was collected and only for as long as it is necessary, after which it will be deleted. BUC will keep different types of information for differing lengths of time depending on legal and operational requirements.
CHILDREN: We will not process any data relating to a child (under 13) without the express parental /guardian consent of the child concerned.
DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS: Any Data Subject has the right to:
* Request access to the information we hold;
* Seek to correct or up-date information we hold;
* Require BUC to delete the information held.
* Object to the purpose for which we hold the information;
* Make a Complaint regarding the processing of the information held:
If a Data Subject wishes to avail themselves of any of these services they should write to the Clerk to the Trustees of BUC, The Red Hall, South Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9BD or email:
BUC will try to comply with requests for personal information as soon as possible but will ensure that it is provided within 40 days unless there is a good reason for the delay in which case it will give notification of the reason for delay.
All staff and Trustees must ensure that personal information provided to BUC in connection with their employment is accurate and up to date.
BUC cannot be held responsible for errors of which it has not been informed.
When processing the personal information of any Data Subject staff and Trustees must comply with Data Protection Guidelines.
They must ensure that all information is kept securely and that personal information is not disclosed either orally or in writing, accidentally or otherwise to any unauthorised third party.
It is the responsibility of all staff, Trustees, and the subjects whose data is held to ensure that BUC holds personal data that is accurate, and relevant to the legitimate business of the Charity, and acts lawfully in its processing of Data in accordance with the Provisions of Data Protection Requirements
How to get in touch with BUC:
Apply for an Almshouse
To make enquiries or apply for an Almshouse call 01778 422 387 between 9am and midday Monday to Wednesday or alternatively email
Apply for a Charitable Grant
To apply for a charitable grant, download the Charity In Need application form – both individuals and groups may apply.
Apply for financial assistance - The Essex
To make enquiries or apply for financial assistance – The Essex for those in need call 01778 422 387 between 9am and midday Monday to Wednesday or email
Bourne United Charities, The Red Hall, South Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9LY
Bourne United Charities, CIO Reg No 1183638 at the Charity Commission
Design and Development: Sparx Creative