Bourne United Charities Celebrates 75 Years of the Almshouse Association
Did you know that Bourne United Charities, besides making charitable grants and managing the Abbey Lawns and Wellhead, is also an almshouse charity, providing safe and secure, self-sufficient, low-cost community housing for people in housing need?
Since 1931, when the twelve almshouses on West Road were commissioned, voluntary BUC trustees have been managing the day-to-day running and maintenance of the almshouses. 2021 marks the 75th year of the Almshouse Association and BUC recently celebrated the occasion, hosting an afternoon tea for residents at the Darby and Joan Hall.
“Dating back to the 10th century, almshouses are the oldest form of social housing; they are held in trust by local people for local people, generation after generation. It is from these solid foundations that we can ensure the continuance of their legacies for many generations to come”: The Almshouse Association,
Qualifying applicants for the West Road almshouses must live in the parish of Bourne, Dyke, Cawthorpe and Twenty, be of pensionable age, single, and in housing need. All twelve properties are currently occupied.
Bourne United Charities also make grants to support local projects and to individuals in need. Visit for further information or call Anna Rogers, Grants Committee Chair on 07867 336 998 or Anna Kelly, Almshouse Committee Chair.
Published by: Discovering Bourne Magazine, October 2021