Peace and relaxation on Bourne's doorstep

Peace and relaxation on Bourne's doorstep

Peace and relaxation on Bourne's doorstep

Peace and relaxation on Bourne's doorstep

Peace and relaxation on Bourne's doorstep

Find out about local amenties we manage

How can Bourne United Charities help?

Hold a function at the Red Hall

Find out about local amenties we manage

How can Bourne United Charities help?

Hold a function at the Red Hall

Welcome to

Bourne United Charities

Bourne United Charities (BUC) brings together 15 different charities formed from bequests and endowments left over the centuries for the benefit of the people of Bourne. The income from these charities is used to run 12 almshouses and give financial assistance to those in need. It is also used to make grants to local community projects.

BUC is also responsible for the upkeep of a number of historic buildings in the town such as the Red Hall and two important parks in Bourne; the Wellhead and Abbey Lawn. A large part of the income generated by BUC is spent on managing these facilities for the benefit of the local community.

We are very lucky in Bourne to have a charity like BUC which over the years has been able to provide financial help and housing to so many and to protect park land and historic buildings for the use and enjoyment of the local community. Long may it continue!”

Philip Knowles, BUC Trustee

Objectives of the charity

Bourne United Charities is principally an Almshouse charity, whose main objectives are the provision of Almshouses, the relief of need in the Parish (Bourne, Dyke, Twenty and Cawthorpe) and the provision of social amenities for the benefit of inhabitants generally.

Charity Commission Entry

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Honey Fungus

Honey Fungus

We had a couple of queries yesterday over the tree felling that is taking place in the Wellhead Park. Hopefully the picture shows the effect of Honey Fungus and why we needed to act. Left alone...

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